Easy Steps on How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Furniture

how to get smoke smell out of furniture

Incorporating secondhand furniture into our homes is a great way to keep things green, but sometimes the smells that come along with them can really give you the blues. If Uncle Harold’s desk is just too good to pass up (unlike his chain smoking habit), worry not—there are a few things you can do to get rid of that cigarette smell from furniture. These helpful tips should help you lessen or completely rid your furniture of those yucky smells.

  • Baking soda is a natural and effective odor absorber for furniture.
  • Used coffee grinds can help absorb smoke smells on non-fabric surfaces.
  • Old newspapers can act as an eco-friendly odor-eater for your furniture.
  • Allowing furniture to air out outdoors can help remove smoke smell, but be cautious of direct sunlight and rain.
  • Painting the furniture can help cover up the smoke smell and give it a fresh look.

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is amazing when it comes to absorbing smells. You can either place it in a container near the furniture or sprinkle it directly on the surface and vacuum it out later. Baking soda is a natural and effective odor absorber.

If you choose to place it in a container, make sure to use an open bowl or jar to allow for maximum air exposure. The baking soda will gradually absorb the smoke smell from the surrounding area.

For sprinkling directly on the furniture, gently distribute a thin layer of baking soda over the surface, making sure to cover all areas. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight to allow the baking soda to absorb the smoke odor. Then, simply vacuum the baking soda off the furniture using a brush attachment.

Absorb Smells with Baking Soda – Step-by-Step:

  1. Place baking soda in an open container near the furniture or sprinkle it directly on the surface.
  2. Leave it for a few hours or overnight to allow it to absorb the smoke odor.
  3. Vacuum the baking soda off the furniture using a brush attachment.

2. Use Coffee Grinds (Really!)

Another effective method to get rid of smoke smell is to use used coffee grinds. Place them in a container and keep them near the furniture. Be careful not to stain any surfaces, as coffee grinds can leave marks. This method works best for non-fabric surfaces.

How it Works:

Coffee grinds are known for their ability to absorb smells, which makes them a great natural solution for getting rid of smoke odor. The strong aroma of coffee can help mask the unpleasant smell of smoke, while the grinds themselves absorb the odor particles from the surrounding air.

Did you know? Coffee grinds can also be used to remove odors from your hands. Simply rub your hands with the grinds and rinse with water.

This method is particularly effective for non-fabric surfaces, such as wooden furniture or countertops. The porous nature of these surfaces allows the coffee grinds to penetrate and absorb the smoke smell more effectively. For best results, make sure to replace the coffee grinds regularly to maintain their odor-absorbing properties.

Safe and naturalPotential for staining
Cost-effectiveRequires regular replacement
Can be used on various non-fabric surfacesMay not be as effective on fabric

3. Old Newspapers

Old Newspapers

When it comes to eliminating smoke odor from furniture, old newspapers can serve as an effective odor-eater. Simply crumple up a few sheets of newsprint and place them near the furniture. The newspapers will absorb the smoke smell, leaving your furniture smelling fresh.

In addition to their odor-absorbing properties, old newspapers offer a sustainable solution for getting rid of smoke odor. Once the newspapers have served their purpose, you can recycle them or use them for cleaning purposes, reducing waste and contributing to a greener environment.

This eco-friendly method is a great option for those who prefer natural solutions and want to eliminate smoke odor without the use of chemicals. By utilizing the power of old newspapers, you can effectively remove unpleasant smells from your furniture while also minimizing your impact on the environment.

Another benefit of using old newspapers is their versatility. Not only can they be used to eliminate smoke odor, but they can also be used for various other purposes around the house. From cleaning windows to wrapping fragile items, old newspapers have a wide range of practical uses.

“Old newspapers are a great way to naturally eliminate smoke odor from furniture. They absorb the smell effectively, and you can feel good about recycling them afterward.” – Home Remedies Magazine

4. Air It Out

If you want to get rid of smoke smell from your furniture, one of the easiest and most effective methods is to simply air it out. Fresh air is a natural odor neutralizer and can help eliminate the lingering smell of smoke. Find a suitable outdoor area, such as a patio or balcony, where you can place the furniture and let it breathe.

However, when airing out your furniture, it’s important to be cautious of certain weather conditions. Direct sunlight, rain, and high levels of humidity can cause damage and warping to the furniture. To protect your furniture, choose a shaded outdoor spot or use a furniture cover to shield it from the elements.

Allow the furniture to sit outside for a few hours or even overnight to let the fresh air circulate and gradually remove the smoke odor. You can also take advantage of windy days to ensure maximum ventilation. Remember to bring the furniture back indoors before nightfall to prevent any potential theft or damage.

Airing out your furniture is a simple and cost-effective way to freshen it up and eliminate smoke smell. Just make sure to choose the right outdoor space, protect the furniture from extreme weather conditions, and give it enough time to breathe in the fresh air. With patience and proper care, your furniture will soon be smoke-free and ready to enjoy.

5. Paint It!

If the smoke smell lingers even after trying other methods, painting the furniture can be a game-changer. Not only does it cover up the smoke odor, but it also gives the furniture a fresh new look. Before starting the painting process, it is essential to clean the surfaces properly to ensure maximum adhesion of the paint.

To clean the furniture, create a paste by mixing baking soda and vinegar. Apply the paste to the surfaces and scrub gently using a soft brush or sponge. This mixture helps remove any lingering smoke residue and prepares the furniture for painting.

Once the surfaces are clean and dry, choose a paint that is suitable for wood furniture. Use a brush or roller to apply an even coat of paint, ensuring full coverage. Allow the paint to dry completely between coats, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

1Clean the surfaces using a baking soda vinegar paste.
2Choose a paint suitable for wood furniture.
3Apply an even coat of paint, ensuring full coverage.
4Allow the paint to dry completely between coats.

After the final coat, allow the furniture to dry thoroughly before using or placing any items on it. The fresh paint will not only suppress the smoke stink but also act as a protective layer for the furniture, making it easier to clean and maintain in the future.

painting furniture

Painting is an effective way to eliminate smoke odor from furniture and give it a fresh, clean scent. Additionally, the process allows you to personalize and revitalize your furniture, making it a statement piece in your home. So, get your paintbrushes ready and transform your smoke-infused furniture into a breath of fresh air.

6. Professional Cleaning or Vodka Mist

When it comes to removing smoke smell from upholstered furniture, professional cleaning can be a highly effective option. Upholstery cleaning experts have the knowledge and equipment to thoroughly clean and deodorize your furniture, leaving it smelling fresh and revitalized.

If you prefer a natural alternative to chemical products, you can try misting your furniture with a little vodka. Yes, you read that right! Vodka is known for its odor-absorbing properties and can be a great solution for eliminating unwanted smells. Simply fill a spray bottle with vodka and mist it lightly over the upholstery. The alcohol in the vodka helps neutralize the smoke odor, leaving behind a fresh scent.

Whether you opt for professional cleaning or the vodka mist method, it’s important to test a small, inconspicuous area of the furniture first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration. Additionally, if you choose to use vodka, make sure to let the furniture dry thoroughly before using it again.

Comparison: Professional Cleaning vs. Vodka Mist

Professional CleaningVodka Mist
Thoroughly cleans and deodorizes the furnitureNeutralizes smoke odor
Requires hiring a professional or investing in professional cleaning equipmentCan be done at home using a spray bottle and vodka
Guaranteed resultsMay require repeated applications for stubborn odors
Suitable for heavily smoke-affected furnitureBest for mild to moderate smoke smells

Both professional cleaning and the vodka mist method offer viable solutions for removing smoke smell from upholstered furniture. Consider your budget, the severity of the smoke odor, and your preference for natural remedies when deciding which method is best for you.

By opting for professional cleaning or trying the vodka mist method, you can successfully eliminate smoke smells from your upholstery, restoring freshness to your furniture and creating a clean and inviting atmosphere in your home.

Fresh Air and Baking Soda

One of the easiest and most effective ways to remove cigarette odors from upholstered furniture is by utilizing the power of fresh air and baking soda. Fresh air is a natural deodorizer and can help eliminate smoke smells trapped in the upholstery. If possible, take the furniture outside and leave it covered for several days to let the fresh air circulate around it. Alternatively, open the windows and use a fan to create airflow inside the room where the furniture is located.

Baking soda is another fantastic odor absorber that can effectively neutralize smoke smells. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the upholstery and let it sit for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Baking soda works by absorbing the odor molecules, leaving your furniture smelling fresh. After the designated time, vacuum the baking soda off the upholstery using a brush attachment. You will notice a significant reduction in smoke odor after this treatment.

To summarize, fresh air and baking soda are a dynamic duo when it comes to eliminating smoke smells from upholstered furniture. Utilize the power of nature by providing ample ventilation and airflow to help disperse the odors. Combine this with the odor-absorbing properties of baking soda, and your furniture will be smelling smoke-free in no time.

White Vinegar and Water

In the quest to remove smoke smell from furniture, white vinegar can be your secret weapon. It is a natural and effective odor remover that also has anti-bacterial properties. By mixing one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle, you can create your own homemade odor remover solution. However, before applying it to your furniture, it is important to test a small, hidden area to ensure it does not affect the upholstery.

Once you have confirmed that the vinegar solution is safe to use, lightly mist it over the furniture, focusing on the areas with the most noticeable smoke odor. Allow the furniture to air out with the windows open, as fresh air circulation will help eliminate the vinegar smell as well as the smoke odor. The acidic nature of white vinegar helps neutralize odors, leaving your furniture smelling fresh and clean.

With its natural cleaning and deodorizing properties, white vinegar is a popular choice for tackling various household odors, including smoke. It is a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution that can be used on a variety of surfaces, making it a versatile tool in your smoke odor removal arsenal. Say goodbye to unpleasant smoke smells and enjoy a clean, fresh atmosphere in your home.

white vinegar and water in spray bottle

How to Use White Vinegar and Water for Odor Removal:

  1. Mix one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle.
  2. Test the solution on a hidden part of the furniture to ensure it does not damage or discolor the upholstery.
  3. Lightly mist the vinegar and water solution over the furniture, focusing on areas with strong smoke odors.
  4. Leave the furniture to air out with the windows open, allowing fresh air circulation to help eliminate both the vinegar and smoke smells.
  5. Enjoy the fresh, odor-free scent of your furniture.

Key Benefits of Using White Vinegar:

  • Natural and eco-friendly
  • Effective odor remover
  • Anti-bacterial properties
  • Safe for use on various surfaces
  • Cost-effective solution

Discover the power of white vinegar and water as a natural and effective odor remover. With its anti-bacterial properties and versatile nature, it is a fantastic option for removing smoke smell from your furniture. Create your own odor remover and enjoy a fresh, clean atmosphere in your home.

Professional Upholstery Cleaning

When DIY methods fail to completely remove the smoke smell from your upholstered furniture, it may be time to consider professional upholstery cleaning. Deep steam cleaning is the most effective way to tackle stubborn smells and eliminate deep-seated dirt that other methods can’t reach. Professional cleaners have the expertise and specialized equipment to thoroughly clean and deodorize your furniture, leaving it smelling fresh and looking brand new.

Deep steam cleaning involves using high-pressure steam to penetrate the fabric and remove dirt, stains, and odors from the furniture. The steam is effective in killing bacteria and allergens that may be trapped in the upholstery. It also helps to break down and remove the smoke particles that are causing the unpleasant smell. Professional cleaners will ensure that every inch of your furniture is treated, including hard-to-reach areas and crevices.

By opting for professional upholstery cleaning, you can save yourself the time and effort of trying multiple DIY methods that may yield limited results. Professional cleaners have access to commercial-grade cleaning products and equipment that are more powerful than what is available to the average homeowner. They also have the knowledge and experience to determine the most effective approach for your specific furniture and its condition.

Benefits of Professional Upholstery Cleaning
Thorough removal of smoke smell
Elimination of deep-seated dirt and stains
Killing of bacteria and allergens
Restoration of furniture’s appearance
Professional-grade products and equipment
Expertise and experience of professional cleaners

When choosing a professional upholstery cleaning service, look for reputable companies that have positive customer reviews and offer a satisfaction guarantee. It’s also a good idea to inquire about their cleaning methods and the products they use to ensure they are safe for your furniture and the environment. By investing in professional upholstery cleaning, you can enjoy a smoke-free and fresh-smelling home.


In conclusion, there are several effective methods to remove smoke smell from furniture. By following these tips, you can get rid of those unpleasant odors and create a fresh and smoke-free atmosphere in your home.

First, you can try using baking soda, which is a natural and effective odor absorber. Place it in a container near the furniture or sprinkle it directly on the surface and vacuum it out later.

Another option is to use used coffee grinds, especially for non-fabric surfaces. Simply place them in a container near the furniture to absorb the smoke smell.

If the smell persists, you can also consider leaving the furniture outdoors to air it out. Fresh air can work wonders in removing smoke smell. However, be cautious of direct sunlight, rain, and humidity, as they can cause damage to the furniture.

For upholstered furniture, professional cleaning or misting with vodka can be effective alternatives. You can also try using natural remedies like white vinegar and water, which not only remove odors but also have anti-bacterial properties.

Remember, the severity of the smoke smell may require a combination of these methods to completely eliminate the odor. With these easy steps, you can rejuvenate your furniture and enjoy a smoke-free environment in your home.


How can I remove smoke smell from furniture?

There are several methods you can try to get rid of smoke smell from furniture. Some effective options include using baking soda, coffee grinds, old newspapers, airing out the furniture, painting it, professional cleaning, and natural remedies like vinegar and essential oils.

What is the best way to use baking soda to remove smoke smell?

Baking soda is amazing at absorbing smells. You can either place it in a container near the furniture or sprinkle it directly on the surface and vacuum it out later. Baking soda is a natural and effective odor absorber.

Can I use coffee grinds to get rid of smoke smell from furniture?

Yes, you can use used coffee grinds as an effective method. Place them in a container and keep them near the furniture. Be careful not to stain any surfaces, as coffee grinds can leave marks. This method works best for non-fabric surfaces.

How can old newspapers help eliminate smoke smell?

Crumpled up newsprint can act as an effective odor-eater. Place the crumpled newspapers near the furniture to absorb the smoke smell. Once they have done their job, you can recycle them or use them for cleaning purposes. This is an eco-friendly method to eliminate smoke odor.

Is it helpful to air out the furniture to remove smoke smell?

Yes, if possible, leaving the furniture outdoors to air it out can work wonders in removing smoke smell. However, be cautious of direct sunlight, rain, and humidity as they can cause damage and warping to the furniture. Find a suitable outdoor area to let the fresh air circulate around the furniture.

Can painting the furniture help eliminate smoke smell?

Yes, painting the furniture is a great way to rejuvenate it and suppress the smoke stink. Before painting, make sure to clean the surfaces properly using a baking soda vinegar paste. This will ensure maximum adhesion of the paint. Painting not only covers up the smoke smell but also gives the furniture a fresh new look.

What can I do to remove smoke smell from upholstered furniture?

For upholstered furniture, professional cleaning can be a great option to remove smoke smell. You can also try misting the furniture with a little vodka using a spray bottle. This trick works well for both furniture and clothing and is a natural alternative to chemical products like Febreze.

How can I use fresh air and baking soda to remove smoke smell from upholstery?

Fresh air is a simple and effective way to remove cigarette odors from upholstered furniture. If possible, leave the furniture outside covered for several days. Alternatively, open the windows and use a fan to circulate the air. Baking soda is also an excellent odor absorber for upholstery. Sprinkle it on the furniture and vacuum it off after 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Can I use white vinegar and water as an odor remover for furniture?

Yes, you can create your own odor remover by mixing one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle. Test the mixture on a hidden part of the furniture first to ensure it does not affect the upholstery. Lightly spray the mixture over the furniture and leave it to air out with the windows open. White vinegar is a natural air freshener and has anti-bacterial properties that help eliminate odors.

Should I consider professional upholstery cleaning for stubborn smoke smells?

If DIY methods do not completely remove the smoke smell from upholstered furniture, it may be necessary to call in professional upholstery cleaners. Deep steam cleaning is the best way to tackle stubborn smells and remove deep-seated dirt that other methods may not reach. Professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment to thoroughly clean and deodorize furniture, leaving it smelling fresh and looking brand new.

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Hey guys, This is Md Muktar Hossain, I have been working on home / office furniture for a long time. I thought I would share things with everyone through a website. If you like my articles, please share them with everyone. Stay well Stay healthy.

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