Terms And Conditions Of My Furniture Plan


We, the authority of My Furniture Plan, have included a few terms and conditions on this page that are applicable to all the visitors and users of this website. The mentioned terms and conditions are implied to regulate and monitor our users’ activities with us. 

As you use our website, you automatically agree to follow our terms and conditions mentioned at www.myfurnitureplan.com. In case you are not willing to follow all our conditions, you should refrain from using our website. 

Our Motive: 

We, My Furniture Plan, have a team of people who share their experiences and thoughts about furniture planning and innovate new design ideas. We intend to entertain and propose ideas to those who have an interest in this field and want to learn more. However, note that we don’t offer any professional advice to anyone via our website.

Please take a note that our content is completely for entertainment purposes and we simply share our thoughts. Nevertheless, if we produce any research-based content or take assistance from an expert, we always mention that with the content. 

Remember that we never offer any guidance or advice that can replace the comment or guidance of an expert. We are definitely not a substitute for an expert. Therefore, you must not ignore any expert’s advice or comment due to our content. However, if you do so, we are not responsible for any of your actions. 

On that note, you are agreeing not to hold us liable for any action that you do or fail to do due to our content. 


Every content on this website is our intellectual property and you shall not reuse or claim ownership of the content that you don’t own. You can only see our content till your stay on our website.


Some prohibitions while using our website are:

  • Using the content of myfurnitureplan.com in any other website;
  • Trading, licensing, or commercializing our content;
  • Posting your content on our website without permission;
  • Harming the reputation and performance of the website by any means;
  • Hampering our visitors’ activities by your action;
  • Misusing or abusing our website and its content against the website, any individual, or organization;
  • Pirating our content by data mining, extraction, harvesting, etc.
  • Using the website for promotional activities.

Liability Limitation:

My Furniture Plan is not liable for any of your actions that you may have taken after viewing our content. Only the liabilities mentioned here are taken care of. But, we won’t be responsible for your actions or mistakes.


If you violate our rules and regulations or take any wrong action, we won’t be responsible for paying any fines or expenses for that. As we are not liable for your actions, we won’t bear any expenses regarding that. 

Variability Of Law:

If there is any term and condition mentioned here that is against the law, we shall change it immediately. But, all the existing rules will remain unchanged. However, the authority of the website may change the terms and conditions as per necessity. Therefore, it is wise to check the terms and conditions from time to time before browsing our website. 

Transfer Of Rights:

In any circumstance, the owner party of My Furniture Plan may transfer, hand over, or create a partnership with other parties without mentioning. But, our visitors are not allowed to interfere in transferring or exchanging the right or ownership of the website. 

Governing Law:

Remember all these terms and conditions are applicable under the law of the United States of America. Therefore, if you have any complaint or issue, you have to reach the federal court in your area to resolve the matter. 

Fair Use:

A few times, we use some content from external sources according to the Fair Use Doctrine terms and conditions. We never claim the copyright or ownership of such content and we always give credit to the owner of such content. 

Note that, you may not be able to enter every space of this website. If needed, we may limit your access to other spaces too if needed. 

Content You Own:

We sometimes allow our visitors to embed or publish their content on our website. This may include audio, video, images, text, and other media content. 

As you publish here, you are also allowing us to change and edit your content in case we don’t find it fit for our website. However, ‘your content’ has to be exclusively yours. You shall not pirate or reuse others’ content on our website. 

My Furniture Plan has the authority to discard your content from our website if needed. 


My Furniture Plan sometimes includes links to various products. If you buy products from these links, we can earn a commission from them. But, you don’t need to pay extra for that. Also, we don’t earn anything else other than the commission that too if you purchase from the link. 

Bear in mind that we don’t provide any warranty for the product you buy from the affiliate links.