Quick Guide: How to Get a Rug Under a Bed with Ease

Are you struggling to get a rug under your bed? Don’t worry; with the right tips and techniques, you can easily position a rug under your bed for a cozy and inviting atmosphere. In this guide, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of getting a rug under a bed. From choosing the right size and positioning the rug to coordinating with your bedroom decor, this guide has got you covered.

Key Takeaways:

  • Getting a rug under a bed can be easy with the right tips and techniques.
  • Assess the size of your rug and the position of your bed before attempting to place the rug.
  • Start by lifting one side of the bed frame and slide the rug underneath the lifted side.
  • Adjust the rug placement to ensure it is evenly distributed and visible on all sides of the bed.
  • Consider coordinating the rug with your bedroom decor and adding rug accessories for extra comfort.

Assess the Rug Size and Bed Position

Before attempting to get the rug under your bed, it is essential to assess the size of your rug and the position of your bed. This will help you determine the ideal rug size that will fit perfectly under your bed.

To begin, measure the dimensions of your bed. A standard twin-size bed is 38 inches wide and 75 inches long, while a king-size bed is 76 inches wide and 80 inches long. Once you have determined the size of your bed, add an additional 18 inches to each side to ensure the rug extends beyond the bedframe.

When selecting a rug size, choose one that will align with the foot of your bed. The rug should be large enough to extend beyond the bedframe on all sides, creating a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing look.

Keep in mind that the position of your bed also plays a vital role in determining the ideal rug size. If your bed is positioned in the center of your room, a larger rug may be necessary to create a balanced look. If your bed is positioned against a wall, a smaller rug may work best.

By assessing your rug size and bed position, you can select the perfect rug for your bedroom.

Prepare the Rug and Bed Area

Before attempting to place the rug under your bed, it’s important to prepare the area. Clear the floor of any debris or clutter, such as shoes, cables, or small furniture items, that may obstruct the rug’s path.

If the rug is new, you may need to unroll it and lay it flat for a few hours or days to let it settle. This will help reduce any wrinkles or bumps that may interfere with the rug placement.

Tip: It’s easier to position the rug under the bed if the mattress and box spring are removed. If this is not possible, try to lift the bed frame as much as you can on one side, using a helper if needed.

Make sure the rug is clean and dry before you begin. Vacuum or sweep it thoroughly to remove any dirt, dust, or loose fibers. If the rug has any stains or spills, attend to them before placing the rug under the bed.

Finally, make sure you have enough space to maneuver the rug and the bed around. You may need to move other furniture items temporarily to make room for the rug under the bed.

Lift and Slide the Bed

Now that you’ve prepared the area, it’s time to lift and slide the bed. This step requires some physical effort, so you may want to ask for someone’s help. Start by lifting one side of the bed frame, and slide the rug underneath the lifted side.

Make sure the rug is centered and aligned with the bed. You can use rug lifting techniques such as folding the rug in half or rolling it to make it easier to slide under the bed frame. Repeat this step for the other side of the bed.

Tip: If you have a heavy or bulky bed frame, you may need to partially or completely disassemble it to lift it easily.

Be careful not to damage the rug or the bed frame during this step. If the rug is too thick or too stiff, you may need to adjust the bed height or remove the bed legs temporarily to create more space for sliding the rug.

Once the rug is in place under the bed, you can adjust its position to ensure it’s evenly distributed. Take your time to achieve the desired placement.

Adjust the Rug Placement

Now that the rug is under the bed, it’s time to adjust its position to ensure it’s evenly distributed. This step is crucial in creating a harmonious and visually appealing look in your bedroom.

Begin by centering the rug under the bed. Make sure it’s aligned with the headboard and the footboard. Check to see if there is an equal amount of rug visible on both sides of the bed.

If the rug isn’t centered, gently move it until it is. Take your time with this step to achieve the desired placement.

Another important consideration is the size of the rug. Make sure the rug is large enough to be visible on all sides of the bed. If the rug is too small, it will look awkward and out of place.

Additionally, ensure there is enough space around the bed to prevent tripping and slipping. Position the rug in a way that doesn’t pose a safety hazard.

Finally, step back and take a look at the overall effect of the rug placement. If you’re satisfied with the result, move on to securing the rug in place. If not, adjust the placement until you’re happy with the outcome.

With proper positioning, your rug will not only enhance the look of your bedroom, but it will also provide comfort and warmth underfoot.

Coordinate the Rug and Bedroom Decor

When choosing a rug for your bedroom, it’s essential to consider the overall theme and style of your decor. The right rug can tie together a room and create a harmonious atmosphere.

First, look at the existing elements in your bedroom, such as the color scheme, furniture, and accessories. Consider selecting a rug color that complements these elements. If your bedroom has a neutral color palette, a bold rug can create a statement piece. Conversely, if your bedroom has vibrant colors and patterns, a simpler rug design may balance it out.

The rug’s texture is another factor to consider. A cozy shag rug can add warmth to a modern bedroom, while a thick wool rug can create a classic, timeless look. Additionally, you may want to consider the shape of your rug. A round rug can create a soft, feminine feel, while a rectangular rug can provide a modern, structured look.

Don’t forget to pay attention to the size of the rug, too. The rug should be large enough to create a defined border around the bed, but not so large that it overwhelms the room.

By choosing a rug that coordinates with your bedroom decor, you can create a cohesive and visually pleasing space.

Rug Placement Tips: How to Secure Your Rug in Place

Once you’ve successfully placed your rug under the bed, the last thing you want is for it to slide around or move. Here are some rug placement tips to keep your rug in place:

Use Rug Pads or Grippers

Rug pads or grippers are an excellent way to prevent your rug from slipping or moving. These accessories create a non-slip surface that helps keep the rug in place. The rug pad should be slightly smaller than your rug to ensure it doesn’t peek out from under the edges. Place the rug pad or gripper under your rug and position it so it’s fully covered. You can find rug pads and grippers at most home decor stores or online retailers.

Secure Edges and Corners

If your rug still moves or slides, consider using double-sided tape or rug tape to secure the edges and corners. Apply the tape along the back of the rug, near the edges and corners, and press it firmly against the floor. This will help keep the rug in place and prevent any tripping hazards.

Rotate Your Rug Regularly

Rotating your rug regularly can help prevent wear and tear in high-traffic areas. It also helps distribute foot traffic evenly across the rug, so the pile or fibers don’t get worn in certain spots. Aim to rotate your rug every six months for the best results.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Sunlight can cause your rug to fade or discolor over time. To keep your rug looking fresh, avoid placing it in direct sunlight or near a window. If you have no other option, use curtains or blinds to reduce the amount of light that hits the rug.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

To keep your rug looking its best, regular cleaning and maintenance is crucial. Vacuum your rug regularly to remove any dirt or debris. If spills occur, address them promptly using appropriate cleaning methods. You can also consider professional rug cleaning services to keep your rug looking and smelling fresh.

Rug Placement Tips: Maintaining and Cleaning Your Rug

Proper maintenance and cleaning of your rug can significantly prolong its lifespan and ensure it remains looking its best. Here are some rug placement tips to keep your rug in great condition:

  1. Vacuum regularly: Regular vacuuming can remove dirt, dust, and debris from your rug. Be sure to use the appropriate setting for your rug type and avoid vacuuming fringes or tassels.
  2. Attend to spills quickly: If you accidentally spill something on your rug, address it promptly to avoid staining. Blot the area with a clean cloth and use appropriate cleaning methods for the type of spill.
  3. Rotate the rug: To ensure even wear and tear on your rug, consider rotating it every six months. This prevents the rug from being exposed to excessive foot traffic in one area.
  4. Protect the rug: Avoid exposing your rug to direct sunlight or moisture, as this can cause fading, mildew, or mold. Use curtains or blinds to block sunlight, and ensure the rug is not exposed to damp conditions.

By following these rug placement tips, you can maintain a clean and attractive rug that adds comfort and style to your bedroom.

Rug Placement Tips: Enhance Comfort with Rug Accessories

Adding rug accessories can elevate the comfort level of your under bed rug. Here are some tips to achieve optimal comfort:

1. Use a Rug Pad

A rug pad can add extra cushioning to your rug, making it more comfortable to walk or stand on. It also prevents the rug from slipping or sliding, reducing the risk of accidents. Make sure to choose a pad that is the same size as your rug for the best results.

2. Layer Rugs

If you prefer a softer feel underfoot, consider layering rugs. Place a soft and plush rug over the under bed rug to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your bedroom.

3. Add Cushions or Pillows

If you frequently sit on or near your under bed rug, adding cushions or pillows can provide extra comfort and support. Choose cushions or pillows that match the color scheme or pattern of your rug for a cohesive look.

4. Choose Quality Materials

The quality of your rug can greatly affect its comfort level. Opt for rugs made from natural materials such as wool or cotton, as they are softer and more comfortable than synthetic materials. They also have the added benefit of being more environmentally friendly.

5. Regular Maintenance

Regularly cleaning and maintaining your rug can also enhance its comfort level. Vacuum your rug regularly to keep it free of dust and dirt, and address spills or stains promptly. This will not only keep your rug looking its best but also prevent it from developing any unpleasant odors.


Getting a rug under a bed can be a challenging task, but with these easy steps, you can do it with ease. Remember to assess the rug size and bed position, prepare the area, lift and slide the bed, adjust the rug placement, coordinate it with your bedroom decor, and secure it in place. Proper maintenance and rug accessories can enhance your comfort and prolong the life of your rug.

Creating a Cozy and Inviting Atmosphere

By following these rug placement tips, you can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your bedroom. The right rug size and placement can transform the look and feel of your room. Consider the style of your bedroom decor when choosing a rug, and coordinate it with the existing elements for a cohesive and visually appealing look.

Making the Most out of Your Rug

Proper maintenance is crucial to keep your rug looking its best. Vacuum it regularly to remove dirt and debris, and address any spills or stains promptly using appropriate cleaning methods. Consider adding rug accessories such as cushions or pads to enhance your comfort while walking or standing on the rug.

With these tips, you can enjoy a stylish and comfortable rug placement under your bed. Remember to take your time and follow each step carefully for the best results. I hope this guide has been helpful, and I wish you all the best in creating the perfect bedroom atmosphere!


How do I choose the right size rug for my bed?

Start by measuring the dimensions of your bed and considering the layout of your bedroom. This will help you determine the ideal rug size that will fit perfectly under your bed.

How do I prepare the area for placing the rug under the bed?

Before attempting to place the rug, clear the area of any furniture or accessories that may obstruct the process. Having a clutter-free space will make it easier to position the rug properly.

What are some techniques for lifting and sliding the bed to place the rug?

Start by lifting one side of the bed frame, either with assistance or on your own. Slide the rug underneath the lifted side, ensuring it is centered and aligned with the bed. Repeat the process for the other side of the bed.

How should I adjust the placement of the rug once it’s under the bed?

Once the rug is in place, take the time to adjust its position to achieve an even distribution. Ensure that the rug is visible on all sides of the bed for a balanced and visually pleasing look.

How can I coordinate the rug with my bedroom decor?

Consider the overall theme and style of your bedroom decor when choosing a rug. Select a color, pattern, or texture that complements the existing elements in your room to create a cohesive and visually appealing space.

How can I secure the rug in place?

You can use rug pads or grippers underneath the rug to prevent it from sliding or moving when you walk on it or make the bed. Properly securing the rug will ensure it stays in place and doesn’t pose a safety hazard.

How do I maintain and clean my rug?

Regularly vacuum your rug to remove any dirt or debris. If spills or stains occur, address them promptly using appropriate cleaning methods. Proper maintenance will help prolong the life of your rug.

Are there any accessories that can enhance the comfort of the rug?

Consider adding rug pads or cushions underneath to enhance the comfort of your rug. These additions provide extra cushioning and support, making your rug more comfortable to walk or stand on.

Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Place-a-Rug-Under-a-Bed



Hey guys, This is Md Muktar Hossain, I have been working on home / office furniture for a long time. I thought I would share things with everyone through a website. If you like my articles, please share them with everyone. Stay well Stay healthy.

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